My four-year-old was a bit confused when I told her that we were going to Story Time with Ms. Ladybug because she pointed out – rightly so – that ladybugs can’t read. True. But I’ve never seen a woman look so much like a ladybug as Joyce Tolliver, a former kindergarten teacher who takes a half hour every month to interact with 2-6 year-olds. She was covered from head to toe (literally) with ladybug clothing, and sat in front of a display that would put any other ladybug-loving person to shame.
The half-hour of stories and songs was cute and kept the kids entertained. She interspersed interactive songs in between the stories, most of them on oversized books. The songs included props and movement. She also passed out a little handmade coloring pamphlet about insects, and stickers, which are always a fan favorite. The room as pretty full and there were about two dozen kids sitting on the floor or with their parents. Parents were given the opportunity to pick up resources in the back of the room – the XPlor and Conservationist magazines, take-home activities, and information about upcoming events at the Springfield Conservation Nature Center.
What You Need to Know:
- When: Monthly (check the website for exact dates and times): and search “Greene” under county. Click “Apply” and it will show all of the upcoming events at the Springfield Conservation Nature Center.
- Time: 11:00 – 11:30 am (doors open about five minutes before the event)
- Best for: 2-6 year-olds